Saturday, July 11, 2009

Judas Iscariot for president

After being traumatized at your election virginity... after several signs of vote buying and cheating... after campaigning hard for your favorite candidate only to find out that he's a bastard just like all the rest... you decide to call it quits. No more voting for you.

Judas Iscariot: President for life!
* picture taken from The Hyperion Institute

You tell the world: Go ahead, take my vote, give it to whomever you want! Anyway, whether I vote or not, the result is just the same. I'll just reserve all my energy for giving my fuckbuddy a hell of a good night! It would be more enjoyable than going on a field trip to a crampy voting center and getting terribly pissed off because my charismatic favorite candidate turned out to be a treacherous snake! Blaaaah!!!

(My sentiments exactly.)

Unfortunately for you, your righteous parents / husband / wife / children / boyfriend / girlfriend / stupid fuckbuddy-who'd-rather-vote-than-fuck wants to go through the hassle of voting because "voting is not just a right, it is a duty, it is your duty to the country, it is the least you can do to serve your motherland, and if you don't vote, then you have no right to complain about the government" (no shit, somebody actually said this). And, whether you don't like it or don't like it, they're tagging you along.


You slump your chin on your hands and lazily stare at your empty ballot. You glance at your annoying companions and see them dutifully fill in their votes.

You haven't chosen anyone to vote for 'coz, hell yeah, you can't find anyone deserving. Calling ABSTAIN on every blank spells "boring!!"

What do you do now?

(to be continued... I just bought Sims 3 and I'm too lazy to blog!)

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